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Town Hall Questions




  • What is ur plan on fixing the national debt?

  • How will you create substantial jobs?

  • What is your stance on raising taxes?

  • How will you help the unemployment rate?

  • Are you willing to raise minimum wage? If so by how much?


Foreign Policy


  • What is ur plan on stopping ISIS?

  • Do you believe the United States should have alliances with other countries?

  • Do you think we should keep ground troops in the Middle East?

  • Do you believe we should keep trading with many countries around the world?

  • Would you call in airstrikes on ISIS? If so what about the civilians in the country and around there

  • Are you willing to accept refugees in the United States? If so how many?  




  • How will you help education in the United States?

  • How are we going to get better in science and math when we are currently hate the bottom in performance in the world?

  • How can we be more efficient in the classroom?

  • How can we get more teachers/Professors in school.




  • Classes that set us up for the future. VE, broadcasting, Senior Experience

  • Teachers that want us to succeed, 93% graduation rate.

  • classes help the school grow and come together.


  • Provide classes for people who are struggling.

  • Have some students in support classes where they catch up on homework, tests and studying.  

  • Mentor ship program for kids who needs extra one on one support.

  •  I believe that standardized testing should be removed from all schools because it doesn’t properly display student’s intelligence. Some students may be bad at taking tests, but can be really smart. Also it is very stressful and students may get nervous.

  •  Positives of standardized testing

  • prepares students for the future

  • Helps colleges chose who has the credentials to be accepted within their college.

  • Ensures that every student has equal chance because the content on the test is the same for everyone.

   Negatives of standardized testing

    unreliable measure of student performance

    Only measures a small portion of what makes education meaningful.

    Teachers will most likely teach you what is going to be on the test rather than teach you what you are supposed to be learning from taking that course. For example, a teacher may only focus on what’s going to be on the test and not teach students anything else, even though it may be important to understand the course.

  • To assess students teacher may give a project or writing assignment at the end of the course for students to complete.

  • Teachers can be assessed by classroom observations.

  • Students may take courses they want to take in college. These courses will be introductions or easier than college courses but will help them ease into it when they take it in college.


  •  Since 2015 our unemployment rate went down from 8.4% to 5.2%. Our population went up 21 million and money (annual variation) went down 5.9%

  •  Yes because the more you make the more you should be required to contribute in the governments taxes.

  • Outsourcing is to obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign  supplier, especially in place of an internal source.



Foreign Policy

  • We do not feel its right to have ground troops fighting Syria and Iraq for no main cause. It is not a war but we are wasting lives being put out there yet we can save more troops for better causes down the road.  We can keep Syria and Iraq contained in other ways like the airstrikes and just not attacking them.


  • Our plan is to not go in there and try to be the hero. We cannot walking right in there stop everything with airstrikes and troops. We believe we need to make allies with other nations because if not all this cause with isis would be on ourselves alone if we did not want help. I believe that our plan can more efficient and less dangerous to our country attack and stop ISIS.


  • We do not want to keep troops in Afghanistan because it would be a waste of troops we can you too our advantage somewhere else. Yes they are getting training but we can definitely train with them back home in our country and if something goes wrong in the east we can turn it around and help.


  • We do not want to have anymore refugees in our country. It is too much of a risk for our own American citizens. Jobs, housing, money and threats are a big deal in America these days and those can be taken and granted in an instant.

Presidential Speech

Good morning my fellow Americans I am Jeremy Lissade, I am running for president of the United States, but before I get into my political plans I would like to describe myself as best as I can so you the people can know me and we all can connect to you as one. I am a graduate from Harvard university. I graduated with a 4.0 gpa and when I got out of college I wanted to do some amazing things and change America for the better. I've worked very hard my whole life and I believe that my resumè is rather impressive because of this determination. Currently I am a U.S. senator and I believe that I have the skill-set that is best-fit for me to make a successful impact as your next president of the United States. Here are some topics i have to help America in key aspects.


One topic is the United States education system. The United States education has been on the decline for many years now. The U.S. currently ranks in 17th in the world in overall education. These strong countries we were once in head of but they caught up and i do not like the feeling of that. Also the U.S. currently ranks dead last (25th out of 25th) in math. I believe this is very important for for us. I want to be known as the most successful country. Here are some ideas i have to make that come true. I believe we need to train people to be teachers and professors to make school a great place and the best learning experience possible. I can provide this by making sure each classroom in some areas have new learning ideas that will maybe help some people who aren't doing as good as others. Also maybe having new testing for different students. Obviously one class won't have all the same grades. We need to learn how to test other students with different skills than others. Also teacher shave to be required. The best for each classroom setting. There might have to be different teachers for different students. This can display the best overall learning experience for that student. This is a lot to ask but the way i feel i believe we can get it done together. I will be the president that will have an effect on the education plan for the United States.


Another topic i want to talk about is Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy interacts with foreign nations and sets standards of interaction for its organizations, corporations and individual citizens of the united states. The way i look at foreign policy is that i want to build and sustain a more secure, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people. The american people come first. Without foreign policy our nation would crumble but it is beginning to get worse and worse as we speak. I want to have a relationship with many countries so i can build upon what we have and what we need. For example trading with countries around the world. Right now we trade materials all over the world with china as our number one trade provider. Even though we trade all different materials like oil and different fumes with other countries, china impacts use the most. We are very much in debt but we can help fix that in many other ways. We spend nearly 500 billion on china and that needs to stop. We should make plans on how to cut down or make money much lower because that impacts us as a nation. If we cut down we save much more money for the government and people. Another reason why foreign policy is good is because we can make alliances with other countries to protect or fight against other. For example Isis. Isis has been a major problem for the united states and countries all around the world.This organization as killed our own citizens and many harmless foreigners. I look at this and i am disgusted. I believe we need to stop this as soon as possible, that is why i believe countries need to come together as one and put an end to the chaos. It has made the people of all different countries feel unsafe and worried meanwhile we don't all come together. Foreign policy impacts the united states more than you think and is a big reason why you have your resources you do today. With me as your president all the different ideas i explained to you today will become reality.  


The last topic i will be talking about is the economy of the united states of america. The economy has many people upset and concerned. Economy is the wealth and resources of a country or region has especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. The reason this is such a hot topic the une U.S. is because people's earnings and jobs can be affected in many ways. Our economy is at an all time low in trade, job participation and many other aspects. Since 015 our unemployment rate went down from 8.4% to 5.2%. Our population went up 21 million and money (annual variation) went down 5.9%. This cannot be happening in the United States. The the second largest output in the world. This would affect everything we get in the world and resources we have in america. How would you like to see you money, house, car and everything you worked for ruined. The U.S. economy is a powerhouse for our government.  Without our government what will we do. They control the country. We need a change, because without it we will be in trouble. The way i see it is that many people will think it will fix itself but that's not how it works. We work as one because not one person will fex job unemployment,  annual money variation and trade balance. If you vote for me for president this will all change, because right now and in past years it hasn't.


I am Jeremy Lissade and i am a person who believes in a better tomorrow and i will do anything to achieve the goal of fixing this country for you, the citizens of the united states and also knowing that i am part of the greatest country in the world the United States of America.

Vice President Speech

Hello my fellow Americans, my name is Anthony Williams and I’m striving to be your future Vice President. I believe that I would be a strong Vice President for the United States because of my integrity and my great decision making skills. I’ve been Governor of New York for the past four years and I helped New York State prosper. I also graduated from Harvard Law school and I was the leader in all of my classes. Graduating from Harvard Law school was one of my biggest accomplishments because it shows how hard work and dedication pays off. I grew up on Long Island and my family was in the middle class and I didn’t have anything in my life handed to me. I worked and put in time for everything I wanted. I believe that my leadership and communication skills will guide America back to the top, where it belongs to be. Being as determined and perseverant as I am, I will not give up in trying to revive America.


John F. Kennedy was a President whom I admire very much. When President Kennedy was in office, he tried to balance tending to foreign policies while also caring for our domestic problems. One area he focused on was helping the economy grow. He ended a period of tight fiscal policies, loosening monetary policy to keep interest rates down and to encourage the growth of the economy. This means he toned down multiple financial problems and made it easier for the economy to grow. My partner and I, future President Jeremy Lissade, will focus on growing the middle class and lowering taxes. We will raise taxes minimally for the upper class mainly to help with our current financial crisis of 19 trillion in debt. We feel that the upper class is in a position to help America more than the middle and lower classes. Raising taxes for the middle class will actually hurt America more than help it.  


“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” Is quote from President Kennedy that I believe is still important today. While in office, he focused on foreign policies and tried to make the best decisions possible. In 1961, President Kennedy was behind the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The intention was to invade Cuba and instigate an uprising among the Cuban people removing Fidel Castro from power. Even though the mission failed, Kennedy’s determination to keep America safe is something me and Lissade admire. This is how we will go about combatting ISIS. If ISIS continues their actions, we will use airstrikes continuously but remove most ground troops. We will not be scared of ISIS. Since we are the United States of America, we are against all acts of terrorism. We will do all we can to stop any future acts of terrorism and keep Americans safe both here and overseas. With that being said we will accept most Syrian refugees to save as many people from terrorism as we can. With the horrible conditions that they are experiencing in Syria, they desperately need our help. They will go through numerous processes and background checks first to become a citizen. Regarding the U.S. interfering in the Syrian Civil War; we will help Syria by providing weapons and money. We will not however send any ground troops to Syria.


President Kennedy also cared about America’s education system and passed the Higher Education Act in 1963. This act authorized several times more college aid in a five year than had been appropriated under the Land Grant College Act in a century. We are inspired by the work of Kennedy to strive to lower the cost of college in the United States so that all American students have the opportunity to go to college without acquiring debt. Education is very important to us as me and future President Lissade as we both went through great educational processes. This greatly benefited our lives and we think everyone should have a chance in getting equal, quality education. Kennedy also authorized a five year $1.2 billion program of federal grants and loans for construction of classrooms, laboratories, and libraries. We will spend more money on schools who don’t have the best libraries, classrooms, and laboratories to try and have equal opportunities for every student no matter what type of environment they are in.

Jeremy Lissade and I should be your next leaders of America because we are for the people. We want what is best and will make the best decisions that will revive the United States. Our foreign policies will keep America safe but also help others from different nations stay safe as well. Our educational policies will give equal opportunities to every student to excel in their educational experiences. Lastly our economic plan will benefit America and help revive our economy. John F. Kennedy, once stated, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” Thank you.


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